Who We Are?
We actually are a network. A network with sharing our skills and ideas to have better solution for complex issues in Design, Engineering, Optimization and Fabrication based on Technology. Our team here is divided to major departments and the ones who are working on developing their ideas and members.
Directors & Managers
Experienced people on special subjects who leads their teams forward.
He is our Principal Investor!
Ahmad Soheyli
Hedieh Naji
Mahdi Fard
Amir Hossein Sattari
Ahmed Mohammad Sattar
Hassan Akbari
Farrokh Razh
Atefeh Shahrashoob
They are definitely upgraded from their first steps on complex issues and trained for detailed solutions on the subjects we are working on.
Patrish Kumar
Atrin Poursadrollah
Mohammad Pourfouladi
Elham Ghaderi
Selda Pourali.B
Shaghayegh Shayan
Behnaz Khaksar
Ghazaleh Sodeiri
Professional Associates
4th Generation of Ardaena, who are being trained to be the next Hybrid characters among us.
Former Collaborators
We do appreaciate any endeavor, any step with anyone who worked with us, Ardaena couldn't be built without these amazing collaborations.
You would definitely find these amazing ones ahead of their skills in different cordinates of the planet Earth:
- Mohammad Reza Takallouei
- Tahereh Rastegari
- Mohammad Amin Khalafi
- Crispina Ken R
- Faezeh Bidaei
- Hengameh Najm
- Mohammad Hossein Moazzeni
- Mahdi Agha Mohammadi
- Masoud Ghasemi
- Reyhaneh Azadian
- Mojgan Rezakhani
- Mehrzad Samadi
- Rafieh Soheyli
Let's get in touch if you are interested to Join us!
Give us a call or send your message here, one of our managers will call you to catch up!