We are architects with coding skills, Using Python, C#, C, Grasshopper & Dynamo
Integration Engineering department is revolving all around these complexities exist in Architecture and Engineer the functional patters in special subjects we have in different factors.
Research and development of tools related to special problems toward special toolsets
Design Optimization economically, Environmentally, approach based or by special condition
Complex Problem Solving by special Programming Products or Open Visual Algorithms
Environmental Design team are here! We know How to design adapted to nature not against it!
The more function we define for responsive design the more controlling ability it could have in different situations. During a year there are special conditions coming through a building to interact and it should have the ability beside capacity of handling them adapted to human comfort.
Modular design from tinniest details according to CWCT or other standards.
Designing and façade engineering on a different type of surfaces, multi-curve or else.
Responsive façade design as a package by using low-cost material and low-tech facilities.
Cities are alive, We put digital technologies to bring it on!
Basically, it could be a complexity of connections and if we want to have everything work in a great level of performance, we need to define a series of processes to handle causes and effects through it. IT could possibly be used to help us here. It only needs to be based on those series which are presenting the complexity in different issues and also it has to be set from data to functions.
Network of interactions in a city based on big data is the main idea behind some special sub-projects in each field we have in a city all could be divided by social activities, services, cultures and more. We are ready to bring data to visualize and analysis for decision making in general
Implementing data from current to future infrastructures
Using heuristic algorithms for displacement special spaces in a city
Fabrication Digitally is how we use cutting edge technologies for future possibilities!
Using 3D printers, also known as 3D rapid-prototyping, are capable of taking digital geometry in the form of a stereolithographic file (.stl) and producing small models. Here at Ardaena we currently have three ABS 3D printers available for researchers. The necessary files can be produced from a variety of different 3D modeling softwares, such as Rhino, 3D studio max, and Digital Project.
Initiative to lead the development and integration of digital technologies within the field of architecture
Utilizing robotic automation to perform both subtractive and additive manufacturing processe
Implementing systematic interactions within Fashion Design
Using AI & Machine Learning for Optimized Functional Algorithms
If any function could be used according to a pattern of implication, then it might draw a path to have functional patterns and what read these patterns and develop them? Yes, the answer is Artificial Intelligence. We are inviting experts in multidisciplinary prospect of working and this department is ready to start on other ideas we can have by any factor like sustainability in architecture and cities, stability in structures or any optimization problem solving specially Digital Twins.
Using AI for optimization processes in design and engineering.
Machine Learning definitions for special occasions on different field related to construction and documentation.
AI based applications adapted to IoT systems for gathering data and bringing up Data Driven Design from basic concepts to Digital Twins
What if even furnitures read architectural design?
When it comes to design something related to human ergonomics, the function used to be assumed as the most important part besides adaptation to standards we knew as well. The whole design process might be known as a default linear procedure to design what we are looking for. We are setting the adaptation all by detail designing from tiny elements to larger ones.
Special design for individual homes by low budgets to use spaces more efficient
Smart furniture detail designing for residential and commercial projects all by users criteria like cultures, social behavior, and lifestyle with vernacular material
Application defining as toolsets from design, analysis to fabrication
Elements of spaces want to share feelings with users!
Forms follow functions is one the most famous quotations every architect might have heard. We are heading to the singularity as it anticipated to occur in 2042. There are some attitudes ongoing already such as IoT (Internet of Things) but, the deal for an architect and a designer might be a little bit more into physical form and elements of an architectural space.
Interactive educational spaces for children such as digital walls (using architecture as edu toys linked to kids’ imaginations)
Commercial elements or special spaces for universities, organizations, shopping malls, city centers, libraries & …
Using interactivity related to user experiences and moods gathered from Vital Signs IoT sets gathered by.
What Internet has done with network industry, will be done by BIM for Building industry
Building information modeling has become really reliable by recent developing from special firms like Autodesk, Bentley, Graphisoft and other. The major part in order to implement BIM in lifecycles is to have owners, designers and contractors all interested in using it
Building Information Modeling (BIM) of large-scale projects especially commercial ones
Project managing by new brand technologies from Graphisoft and other firms’ productions
Exploring special ideas on using AR and VR in existing or under construction buildings especially those need to different managing scenarios