Caddisfly; FreeForm Structures
The Story Behind
for the past 4 years, we were working on special subjects in Architecture, Structure, Energy and much more related parts from a whole we call it Integrated Engineering. The main path for us was defined as making things as much as it can by connections and proportions between parameters from these factors to have a better qualification. Our mutual language defined by Algorithmic Engineering which provides a great level of functional coding related to demands. In this case our agents started to make a better atmosphere on what known as sophisticated. One of the major issues we started to work on was free forms and detail designing of complex structures. The story behind commenced by a project issue and right now the problem solving approach is getting us to a new detail designer plug-in named Caddisfly. It’s a set of components providing the way for each system a little bit easier for designers and fabricators.
You can find more details on Caddisfly for Grasshopper Page!